I worked on three small pieces. There was such a mess around my sewing machine with piles of little strips of fabric, all the leftovers from my last several days of sewing, but I couldn't just scrape them off into the trash without trying to at least come up with something useable. I'm a little fascinated by a couple of things - 1) have you ever noticed how much thread you can waste by pulling the fabric out and away to cut it off, and the tail that you started with....it's crazy, so I'm going to sew a pile of it onto something and see how that looks....it'll be fibery kind of. And, the other thing? I may have forgotten but maybe I was thinking that you really CAN make something out of those tiny pieces. I think what I'll do is make a series of very small, pieced hearts, then attach them to a solid background and then frame them in little 4 inch frames. That sounds productive, right?
And I'll embroider a little on them. This will be fun. I just know it.
I love the sound of that Kate. You just might become addicted to tiny framed hearts.
I always make 2 (or more) crazy pieced blocks at the same time running one right in after the other so there is no waste of thread between them. I have little tiny ziploc bags full of teeny tiny scraps. You're not alone in not wanting to throw them.
That was such a great tip Wanda! I sat down this morning and did a long string of stuff with out cutting the thread and I just kept feeding long pieces in.... of course in my exuberance of saving thread I also sewed a few wrong sides together too but that's okay. I think I'll put that little tip up on here today with a picture of my long strings of fabric! Thanks for telling me!
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