Is ANYONE I know going to Australia any time soon? The reason I ask is this - I woke up this morning to find that someone had purchased several pieces of my pottery on Etsy. (If you don't know what that is, please ask, you will be amazed!)
In my excitement I hurried to gather up the pieces, some of which I had just listed this morning at 2 a.m. (Way too hot to sleep!) So she must have seen them just as soon as I put them on the website. Yay! Excitement! I was so excited that I wanted to sock myself in the arm.
So I exchanged emails with the purchaser and told her, as stated in my shop policy, that I would box everything up and head down to the post office and get an accurate shipping cost. "Fine," she said.
Down at the post office, where there was no line.... hello, did you hear that? NO LINE! I walked right up to the counter and said "OMG - There's no line!" "OMG ! It's because we're closed!" the very nice postal worker woman said. She said that my face looked VERY funny at that point.
So talk, talk, talk, very nice woman by the way, very nice, very helpful.......and I'm out the door with an estimate of $52 to ship a half dozen pieces of pottery, and they're relatively small, to Australia! I want to give her an extra piece, if she proceeds with the order, just because it must be horrible to get things shipped to you if you live there.
Is it just me or is that just crazy?
So - if anyone is going there.......take my stuff with you would you?