Sorry for the delay. I've been just going crazy with allergies and such. I've been at the sewing machine but not producing too much in the way of great creativity. However I did come up with this little iPod case, which I think I'll make more of, and maybe even a teensy bit bigger to accomodate cell phones and such.
The iPod was kind of making me crazy because I'd have it sitting on my desk but if I turned around to get into a file, it would fall on the floor, or if I put it in my pocket, I'd worry about if it would fall out, and if I got up to go do something, it would be just sitting there. So I figured an eensy pocket might be quite perfect, and this is all just scrap material so it was just a little labor of love time. I may even put them on etsy to sell for $10 or $12. What do you think?