Today's beginning work......and on to my morning thoughts... BIG NEWS!

I've FINALLY come to recognize something that I should have learned long ago... but didn't... the benefits of practice. Practice makes you better at something, or some things. I'm not sure what it was that I didn't get but it makes me understand why I have struggled with many things in my life. I don't know if it's just an 'acceptance' thing that now I'm finally getting to. Or, if I'm like many other people I see who struggle with not understanding some simple principles.

When I was taking classes, there were a lot of them that were easy or fairly easy to me. Writing papers, pffst......piece of cake. Talking in front of people .... oh please. Analyzing something or figuring out why people do what they do.... c'mon, bring on the hard stuff. But... and here is where it all starts to unravel for me... if I'm given a task where I have to go at something again and again, and again, to get it right - *gasp* where I'd have to "LEARN" ..... I struggle.

Algebra - STRUGGLE. Ceramics and getting the glazes dead on - struggle. Willing to practice at that, but still, it's a struggle.
And then there's art - WHEN did this decide to be a struggle? When I realized that to be at all decent, I have to do it again, and again. And do it over and go over that again. And to practice and practice and maybe then I will be able to exhibit some control and duplicate what I've done.

God, I exhaust myself. Why can't I just be accepting of the fact that learning is necessary in almost all things. To be any good at anything, I think I have to just accept that maybe I know nothing .......and then we can start from the beginning. LEARNING . . . . listening, getting knowledge of, practicing what you don't know until you understand it and have a command of such knowledge. Get it? Got it!
"Okay, let's go. Let's do it again."
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