I've been working non-stop, pretty much, to get ready for a showing of my birds that will be included in this month's Third Thursday Artwalk to be held downtown. I'm excited about being included and can't wait to show what I can do with a little clay and a brain that keeps me up at night.
Since I do not go to 'a place of work' to work, I don't interact that much with people these days. Most communication is computer based, or text based with the occasional real live phone call to my mother which is always great because we volley ideas around and I love it. She is the one who, along with her brother, my much beloved uncle, gave me my love and great appreciation for art in its many forms. I love texture you can touch, color that you see even when you close your eyes and many many different kinds of art. So it makes sense to me that I would try my hand at everything, settle with some things for a time and then move on.
For the time being, and the last couple of years, I've been enamored of clay and it's many ways to use it. Right now I'm about all things "bird," and I'll post some pictures of what I've been doing. My endeavors today will be to make cookie jars. Bird cookie jars... and I'll post pictures of them when I've got them to the drying point. I want to get at least a couple of them done before next week when I can actually show them to the public. We'll see how that goes.
So, since my interraction with people is fairly limited to the internet, I get blesses with some of these random questionnaires designed to help someone know me better. First thing the sender surely must understand about me is I am not, nor have I ever been, limited nor held in bondage to directions. Nope - I care not for directions and even less for recipes, although there have been a time or two that I could honestly say that they were helpful.
I'm still trying to figure out what the following questionnaire was designed for, I think the only thing anyone could tell about me from this is that I create my own rules for THEIR stuff, and that people are both my main annoyance, and my main delight. See for yourself. Bird pictures follow.
35 Seemingly Random Questions That Surely Must Indicate SOMEthing.
1.What time did you get up this morning? 8 a.m.
2. How do you like your steak? Medium-rare
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? “Julie and Julia,” loved it. And since I love the whole movie experience, I’ll go back and see it again. Before that, “The Ugly Truth,” clever and somewhat endearing but really, I mean really, do we need ALL the sexual innuendoes? Seriously? And before that was “The Proposal,” I say, completely without shame, that I’ve seen that three times at the theatre.
4. What is your favorite TV show? Right now? Burn Notice, In Plain Sight, Royal Pains (sort of), Joyce Meyer Ministries (because she offers great insight and it’s usually along my same lines of thinking). All About Jim….oh yeah, and that’s not the most embarrassing show I choose to watch – I love the New Jersey Housewives – I love it and …….and so what?
5. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? I’d divide it up between Seattle, New York, Ojai and Alaska.
6. What did you have for breakfast? An antibiotic and a pain pill……..if this gets drooly, or I start typing with my forehead, that’s why.
7. What is your favorite cuisine? MexAmerItalian…. Will that count? Love all things taco but they run neck-and-neck with MY Perfect Cheeseburger……which I can send a picture of to your cell phone if you give me the number, and good pizzalasagnaspaghettirigatoni is always good. Mostly anything I make.
8. What foods do you dislike? Liver, and chicken liver, all things liver, and though I’d love to use beet juice for coloring fabric, the fruit of such will never pass over my lips. I don’t even know why they were made, but the color is beautiful.
9. Favorite Place to Eat? This little Mexican place right by the the state beach in San Luis Obispo that makes really good margaritas but even better, (yeah, I know, I’m an obvious ‘foodie’ )– they make the absolute best shredded beef stuffed chile rellenos! I’ve found nobody else who makes them, nobody! And are they great, oh yes …. And did I come home and try to do it myself? Oh yes. And was I successful? Definitely. And am I making this list of questions even better than it was? Of course,I always do, and I now turn the mic back over to you Kelly.
2. How do you like your steak? Medium-rare
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? “Julie and Julia,” loved it. And since I love the whole movie experience, I’ll go back and see it again. Before that, “The Ugly Truth,” clever and somewhat endearing but really, I mean really, do we need ALL the sexual innuendoes? Seriously? And before that was “The Proposal,” I say, completely without shame, that I’ve seen that three times at the theatre.
4. What is your favorite TV show? Right now? Burn Notice, In Plain Sight, Royal Pains (sort of), Joyce Meyer Ministries (because she offers great insight and it’s usually along my same lines of thinking). All About Jim….oh yeah, and that’s not the most embarrassing show I choose to watch – I love the New Jersey Housewives – I love it and …….and so what?
5. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? I’d divide it up between Seattle, New York, Ojai and Alaska.
6. What did you have for breakfast? An antibiotic and a pain pill……..if this gets drooly, or I start typing with my forehead, that’s why.
7. What is your favorite cuisine? MexAmerItalian…. Will that count? Love all things taco but they run neck-and-neck with MY Perfect Cheeseburger……which I can send a picture of to your cell phone if you give me the number, and good pizzalasagnaspaghettirigatoni is always good. Mostly anything I make.
8. What foods do you dislike? Liver, and chicken liver, all things liver, and though I’d love to use beet juice for coloring fabric, the fruit of such will never pass over my lips. I don’t even know why they were made, but the color is beautiful.
9. Favorite Place to Eat? This little Mexican place right by the the state beach in San Luis Obispo that makes really good margaritas but even better, (yeah, I know, I’m an obvious ‘foodie’ )– they make the absolute best shredded beef stuffed chile rellenos! I’ve found nobody else who makes them, nobody! And are they great, oh yes …. And did I come home and try to do it myself? Oh yes. And was I successful? Definitely. And am I making this list of questions even better than it was? Of course,I always do, and I now turn the mic back over to you Kelly.
10. Favorite dressing? Paul Newman’s Ceasar, my own Thousand Island, and a newly homemade Ranch.
11.What kind of vehicle do you drive? A ’95 Thunderbird, but my heart belongs to Volkswagen. But if I had a serious butt-load of cash, I’d be driving a Chevy Tahoe.
12. What are your favorite clothes? Bohemy (my word) skirt and t-shirt all the time.
13. Where would you visit if you had the chance? Santa Fe – Oh shut up! I’m going there for the balloon races in October. Hello! Oh, so that means I have to choose another……the whole Eastern Seaboard…..and I want to see wherever it is The Outter Banks is. Why, you might ask? This is why – this one part of dialogue in "Message In A Bottle"- “To all the ships at sea and all the ports of call... to may family and to all friends and strangers - This is a message and a prayer. The message is that my travels taught me a great truth. I already had what everyone is searching for and few ever find. The person in the world who I was born to love forever, a person like me, of the outer banks and the blue Atlantic mystery; a person rich in simple treasures, self-made, self-taught, a harbor where I am forever home. And no wind or trouble or even a little death can knock down this kind of love and be healed by it. If my prayer is heard, then there will be an erasing of all guilt and all regret, and an end to all anger. . . . “.
14. Cup 1/2 empty or 1/2 full? 3/4 full, and I've got another one in the cupboard.
15. Where would you want to retire? Santa Barbara
14. Cup 1/2 empty or 1/2 full? 3/4 full, and I've got another one in the cupboard.
15. Where would you want to retire? Santa Barbara
16. Favorite time of day? Early morning, late at night. The middle of the day is no creamy filling to me.
17. Where were you born? Pasadena, Ca.
18. What is your favorite sport to watch? Surfing, all surfing, all the time.
19. Who do you think will not tag you back? Beats me.
20. Person you expect to tag you back first? I have no expectations.
21. Who are you most curious about their responses to this? Everyone!
22. Bird watcher? Why thank you, I love to watch birds.
23. Are you a morning person or a night person? Yes.
24. Do you have any pets? Yes
25. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share? Hmmm……….can’t think of any on such short notice.
26. What did you want to be when you were little? A torch singer in a piano bar.
26. What did you want to be when you were little? A torch singer in a piano bar.
27. What is your best childhood memory? Any time, all times with my grandmother.
28. Are you a cat or dog person? Dog
28. Are you a cat or dog person? Dog
29. Do you work? I pot. I'm a potter. I'm an artist. I am. At the moment, that’s my job. Do I love it? I love it. Can I make a living at it? THAT is the multi-bizionnaire question. Am I any good at it? I think I could be headed in that direction. Will my timing be perfect? I would hope so but who can tell?
30. Always wear your seat belt? Who wants to know?
31. Been in a car accident? Not exactly
32. Any pet peeves? OMG…… let’s see, stupid people, people who drive with their cell phones..and it’s not that I mind THAT so much, but when they’re obviously engrossed in a long conversation so they can’t pay attention to who is around them; people who don't take the time to delve deeper into any kind of meaning whatsoever; trendiness, it's gets old; cliches, those get old fast; people who talk with their mouths full; people who are like the interrupting cow......Moo; people who KEEP mentioning themselves and all their accomplishments - get it folks, humility is a wonderful thing, if you're that great, we're not going to forget about you; people who think they have rhythm but they don't - oh wait a sec, that's just seriously funny, never mind; and finally, and I mean this, people who just don't "get it", and it's not because they are in any way impaired, but they don't want to exert the effort, nor do they want to be responsible for anything in their own lives, they want to lean so absolutely on you, on your work, on your life, on your effort at figuring life out that they think they're coasting - but they're not, because still, at the end of the day, at the end of their lives, still - they'll stand before God and have to account for what they've done with what God gave them, not what they latched themselves onto. ****and thank you folks, that concludes my message for this morning****
33. Favorite Pizza Toppings? Pepperoni, sausage, pineapple, bell pepper, onions, mushrooms and olives…..all the time. Perfect combination!
34. Favorite Flower? Gerber daisies
35. Favorite ice cream? Yes! Ice cream is my favorite!
So there we are!
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