I am really trying to stick to my plan of doing something every single day (after work) on my quilting endeavor. So far it's coming in random ideas so I will probably end up with a huge pile of things that don't necessarily go together. But, that's the story of my whole little artistic life. I can do one thing, maybe two, that are kind of alike, and then my mind has wandered off onto some other idea that I can attach to it, or turn what I'm working on into something else. It's a lot of work for me to stick with one idea, no matter how badly I want to.
Anyway, these are the products of my last couple of days. The tiny quilted piece at the top is actually done and ready to either frame or attach to a mat board. My friend, Laurie, wants me to sell them as patches for people to put on their jackets, or turn them into Artist Trading Cards..... I just like to pat them and hold them. The small pieces are comforting to work on... and I don't have to wait to work on them like I do my other things. I can carry them in my purse and work on them while I'm waiting in my car for something, or wherever. It's not like waiting for kiln space, or waiting for paint to dry........ you get it........it's fun, it's nice...... tuck, tuck, fold.... I like to line them up and pat them. Weird, huh?
Actually all of the pieces have a common theme of fabrics and colors and work well together. I'm with you though, I have a pile of fun little pieces that I may never make into anything, I just had fun making them.
And remember Variety is the spice of life. It's a lot more fun trying a lot of different things.
Kate, I'm enjoying your heart pieces....oh and by the way, you have been tagged!
I’m tagging you for a Six Word Memoir! Hope you play!
1. Write your own six-word memoir.
2. Post it on your blog (and include a visual illustration if you’d like).
3. Link to the person who tagged you in your post.
4. Tag five more blogs with links.
5. Remember to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play.
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