It occurs to me that the webmaster people who actually put several templates, complete with color, together for those of us who really do not understand webpages and the making of such - really I ought to just follow them blindly. I do not know how to do it so I've just wasted over an hour of my happy, happy Saturday trying to make this page better.
Another lesson I need to learn. If it's not broken, don't screw it up by trying to improve it. My mother would be the first one to cringe when she hears anyone talking about 'directions' to me. She knows that I hate them. It's almost impossible for me to actually listen to them. I try. Really. But there's a compulsive tic .......
Back to color, fabric and such. I rooted around and found some more paintings that I've fiddled around with, (which I am going to post) and I'm thinking that maybe these will be inspiring to me too.
I also went back to a website that I absolutely love, and it has wonderful pictures and details, and self-challenges. Here it is and it's GORGEOUS!!
I think that's what I need. I need to challenge myself to do a small piece a day. To really get in the groove of ACCOMPLISHMENT!
Yes! YES!! That's what I'll do and I'll come back and show you (for all of you checking in here.....) what I've accomplished so far today. And this last couple of hours do not count.
The frustrations of learning to blog still rattle my cage but I am enjoying the fact that I am doing things I thought I would never do. When my mum was battling with Alzeimers the doctor told her to stretch her brain by playing computer games or learning a new language (yeah right!) or hobby. Blogging is my brain stretcher. I have learnt so much including taking digital photos (totally new for me), cropping, sharpening and downloading them, putting a banner on my blog (I'm particularly proud of that one) adding links and favourites in my sidebar...all things I thought I would never work out but have.
I love your bright happy paintings and look forward to seeing more.
In case you lost me.....I'm painting every day and posting my efforts..... at www.katepethoud.blogspot.com
Come see me.
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